Thursday, September 3, 2020

FOX NEWS: US troops deploy to Lithuania during heightened tensions in Eastern Europe

"US troops deploy to Lithuania during heightened tensions in Eastern Europe" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: UK public tribunal leads investigation into Uyghur genocide by China

"UK public tribunal leads investigation into Uyghur genocide by China" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: As US schools delay reopenings, Europe forges ahead with full in-person learning

"As US schools delay reopenings, Europe forges ahead with full in-person learning" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: 5 children found dead in German home; mother flees with surviving child, jumps in front of train: police

"5 children found dead in German home; mother flees with surviving child, jumps in front of train: police" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: ISIS launched more than 100 attacks in Iraq in August, a sharp uptick from previous month

"ISIS launched more than 100 attacks in Iraq in August, a sharp uptick from previous month" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: After historic Israel-UAE flight, other Muslim-majority countries considering to follow suit

"After historic Israel-UAE flight, other Muslim-majority countries considering to follow suit" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Gen. Jack Keane on military tensions rising between US and Russia

"Gen. Jack Keane on military tensions rising between US and Russia " via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Hurricane Nana makes landfall in Belize, brings floods to Honduras; Omar to dissipate

"Hurricane Nana makes landfall in Belize, brings floods to Honduras; Omar to dissipate" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Pregnant Australian mother cuffed after she advocates against coronavirus lockdown

"Pregnant Australian mother cuffed after she advocates against coronavirus lockdown" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Woman plans to keep her prospective wedding dress, angers family with her 'selfish' decision

"Woman plans to keep her prospective wedding dress, angers family with her 'selfish' decision" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Gina Torres joining ‘9-1-1: Lone Star’ as series regular

"Gina Torres joining ‘9-1-1: Lone Star’ as series regular" via FOX NEWS

Surgeon General Warns That Social Media May Harm Children and Adolescents

Matt Richtel, Catherine Pearson and Michael Levenson Health