Sunday, September 26, 2021

FOX NEWS: Tech is expensive! Ways you’re wasting money and smart fixes to save

"Tech is expensive! Ways you’re wasting money and smart fixes to save" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Tech is expensive! Ways you’re wasting money and smart fixes to save

"Tech is expensive! Ways you’re wasting money and smart fixes to save" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Tulsi Gabbard: There is an 'increasing feeling' we are 'losing our democracy'

"Tulsi Gabbard: There is an 'increasing feeling' we are 'losing our democracy'" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Tulsi Gabbard slams Biden over his pledge to punish Border Patrol agents on horseback

"Tulsi Gabbard slams Biden over his pledge to punish Border Patrol agents on horseback" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Dan Bongino: Biden goes to war with Border Patrol agents

"Dan Bongino: Biden goes to war with Border Patrol agents" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: 14 Mexican soldiers crossed into US; 1 had marijuana

"14 Mexican soldiers crossed into US; 1 had marijuana" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Armed man at US Open of Surfing site in California is killed by police

"Armed man at US Open of Surfing site in California is killed by police" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Greg Gutfeld: Whatever the Dems accuse you of doing, they are in fact doing themselves

"Greg Gutfeld: Whatever the Dems accuse you of doing, they are in fact doing themselves" via FOX NEWS

Saturday, September 25, 2021

FOX NEWS: GOP Rep. Buck says it's 'beautiful thing' to see Dems 'at each other's throats' over anti-Semitism issue

"GOP Rep. Buck says it's 'beautiful thing' to see Dems 'at each other's throats' over anti-Semitism issue" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: The Biden effect: GOP starts linking down-ballot Democrats to an increasingly unpopular president

"The Biden effect: GOP starts linking down-ballot Democrats to an increasingly unpopular president" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Sarah Sanders upfront about 'nationalizing' Arkansas governor's race: 'You bet I am'

"Sarah Sanders upfront about 'nationalizing' Arkansas governor's race: 'You bet I am'" via FOX NEWS

Surgeon General Warns That Social Media May Harm Children and Adolescents

Matt Richtel, Catherine Pearson and Michael Levenson Health